∆ Featured Artist: New Zephland
Before I review this Zeph's track, let me first give a little back story on how we came across this artist. Well, when we thought it would be a bright idea to start this blog, I posted on twitter that we were "officially starting a music blog". Now I got a reply from a dude by the name of @NewZephland simply saying "what type of music". I replied and he replied back, "I'll be on the look out. Be sure to send me the link when it's up so I can retweet it." Well, I proceeded to check out this guys twitter to see what he was all about, which led me to his soundcloud page.
The first song I decided to click on was Feel It (Prod. Dream Koala). Immediately I was stunned by this song. I continued to click on the play button of various other songs such as Van Damned, Growing Wings (Prod. Kirvy), and well...every other track on the page. So, I've decided to dedicate this post to supporting the man that supported us off the bat.
Now for the review of Feel It (Dream Koala):
When I first looked at the genre tag and saw indie, I expected some sort of indie rock, grungy kind of tune. However, the song starts out with these swelling guitar chords and at first it was the opposite of what I expected. I continued to listen and the track only got smoother and progressively chiller. Then this loose kick drum mixed with these beautifully grooving hats and claps hits with the Pittsburg rapper spitting some trill lyrics on top. (I later found out that the beat was "We Can't Be Friends" By Dream Koala). I fell in love with the song because it wasn't the common popular rap/hip hop beat you would normally hear with the crazy amount of hats and snares with a humungous sub bass. It was different which really sets this song and artist apart. The lyrics flow so perfectly, the articulation and the rhythm really make the song relaxing and dreamy. Dream Koala's beat and his vocals just work so well together. "I can feel it, I can feel, I swear," seems to be the main line in the song and it really actually captures the vibe because I can really feel this song.
Take a look at the rest of Zeph's music on his soundcloud.
Also, check out the featured song below:
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